Rebadging of Streaming Platforms

So I was reading some Q&A from an audio reviewer last night in which he mentioned that most audio streamers are just rebadged platforms from one or two vendors (I'm talking just the streaming portion of any unit, not the DAC).  I have had more than one dealer tell me the same thing.  So my question for anyone who knows is who actually makes these one or two platforms?  Or conversely, who actually makes their own streamers?  I going out on a limb and am guessing that Sonore may be one who "makes their own" but was hoping some one else had the actual answers.


So there you have it.. believe in what you see and what the majority say or blow stupid money for blind bragging rights. Winner winner chicken dinner.  


1971, so true. Take the plate amp in a Wilson sub. People think the more $ you throw at hifi the better the system.  If you have a Great room and quality music you're ahead of the game, not chasing it.

+1 ghdprentice  - Better quality streamers or CD transports make a significant improvement on SQ , and none sound the same

And then we have differences in music players and OS to add even more variables. Linux based may be unique and the music players certainly are proprietary. Streamer I just purchased runs Euphony OS, certainly proprietary, Stylus player, also proprietary.


For one to believe streamers all sound the same is preposterous. Totally ignores wide variability in parts, implementation, OS and players. I guess all those reporting and hearing differences are delusional, hilarious. 


And we haven't even gotten to the network, how about a ton more variables.