Power Cables - Stock vs. Budget

Considering upgrading my stock power cords, but my budget is limited to the $150 - $175 range (4' minimum) per cord. At that price level, will I notice any real discernable difference?  Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!


150$ on AliExpress buys you some splendid power cords. Way better than anything made in EU or US and sold for that price. I'm constantly on a budget, so AliExpress has become my go-to place for audio cables and accessories (footers and all). Most would frown at the idea, and I do get the ethical / economical issues, but when money is tight and you want the best for that little amount of cash, you have to make a choice at some point. In my opinion a 100$ power cord from our famous EU or US brands is too entry level to make any real difference, while a 100$ Chinese power cord is often build like the more upmarket power cords, and you hear it.



obviously if that's your budget range for power cords your equipment can't be that good so you probably won't notice that much of a difference, don't waste your money.



I would upgrade the wall socket first, get a power conditioner second, and get power cables last. For wall sockets you can check Pangea or Synergistic Research. 

why would you not recommend that the OP get dedicated lines installed first with hospital grade outlets first vs just doing wall outlets?

you suggest a power conditioner......how do you know that the OP even needs one?       


It is a budget strategy, an outlet upgrade effect everything down stream and costs $50-$100. It is a significant improvement and less expensive than $150 a pop for cords. If the OP only needs two outlets he can skip the power conditioner if he is not worried about frying his gear because of a power surge. But if he needs more outlets, higher SQ and protection for his gear something like this Black Lion Audio PG-X has 9 outlets, high quality, and is still less money than a $150 cord at $119: