Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help

Hello all,

I'd like some suggestions on tweaking my Micro BE monitors. The problem I am having is that the imaging is vague. Voices that should come from the dead center come from the general center area but are not at all "point in space" imaging that I am used to.

My room is 11x12. Speakers are on stands 1.5' away from sides and 2' from front wall. I am using a Cary SLI-80 for amplification.

Aside from this imaging issue, I continue to be very impressed by the Focals. Great speakers that have very many positives.
Hi Michael, it seems I misunderstood your post (sorry for the long previous post then). So, you get a good/decent stereo image, just not pin-point image.

My opinion is that your speakers are toe in way too much. I too have started like you with the speakers "looking" at me. But after I hear what the C1 can do, I start experimenting and I ended up with the Micro Bes having almost no toe in. This gave a much better spatial localization and physical size of the instruments.

Also, as mentioned in my previous post the stereo image got alway better when getting closer to the speakers. Currently, your speaker and you listening chair make an acute isosceles triangle, move you chair closer to the speaker so they will make an obtuse isosceles triangle.

It might be worth it to both bring the speakers in a little closer together and also sit a bit closer. From your description, it sounds like the rear wall is right behind your listening position and you could be getting more reflections bouncing back at you with the Focals.
I use the Utopia series Be speakers as well. In my experience, they image and stage better in narrower rooms by firing straight ahead without toe-in. i've experimented a lot with positioning, and I'm finding that the Cardas method of speaker placement is working best for me.
All these tips have been very helpful. I have gone from toe-in crossing at my nose (45 degrees) to just about a 10 degree toe-in. It has improved the imaging. As mentioned, I am getting a center image, I am just not getting the uncanny "point in space" imaging I have experienced from other smaller monitors - particularly the PSB Imagine B and the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M. However, the strengths of the Utopia Micro BEs lay in their ability to magnify the sound. I feel very close to the recording.

I have noticed that they are very sensitive to where I sit. By moving slightly to the left/right from the sweet spot, the center image seems to move in accordance. I love this hobby.
Okay, after a long time I finally found my issue. A little silly but I thought I'd post it. I've been running the Focals through an Arcam AVR600. The Arcam contains processing that compensates for speaker distances. I noticed that I had the "distance from speaker" settings AN INCH off. I played around with the setting and changing the distance on the Arcam to equidistant solidified my soundfield and produced the center image I was lacking. While the Arcam was only off by 1 inch, my spoiled ears knew there was something odd.