Reviews - Your Pet Peaves

Ok, I have a First Watt I figured I would read the reviews and see what "so called professionals" are using to review the F-8. Well, I find they use all these esoteric speakers that aren't even for sale anywhere int he USA....Why can't they not use some of the more popular speakers..or speakers they feel re best suited for the particular amp...and visa versa.


There are at least twol reasons to read reviews of equipment you've already bought.

First, if you are like most on this forum, audio is one of your hobbies.  You enjoy reading on the subject, whether it involves stuff you already own, items you're thinking about buying, or esoteric gear that you'll never have a chance to own.  All of it is just interesting to you.  The same is true of car nuts, knitters, sports enthusiasts and any other hobby out there.

The second reason for reading a review for something you already own is to see if the reviewer's opinion lines up with yours.  It can be very useful to know if a particular writer's viewpoint matches yours or if you think they are full of it.  That can be very helpful when they review something you don't own, but are considering.  If they are in your camp, or out of it, that'll give you a good indication of how seriously you should take their comments.

+1 @mlsstl  The recent review of the Tannoy Sterlings in Stereophile shed much light (JA's measuments) on issues I have with my pair. 

My pet peeve with reviews has been overlooking flaws that matter to real users. An example is the multiple streamers reviewed that don't do gapless playback flawlessly, and little or no mention in many reviews.

Also, reviewers if they buy get something like 50%-60% off retail, so they can sell without taking a bath. Thus, their perception of value is quite different from a typical working person.

Good luck with your situation!

+1 @mlsstl

It's very hard to figure out what someone else is hearing -- not only because of differences in equipment and room but because of the vague vocabulary involved. Reading reviews both before and after are part of the intellectual quest in this hobby to figure out what we understand about our own experience and those of other people.