Audio Rack Opinions

After a fair amount of research, I have landed on 3 candidates for upgrading my audio rack:

  1. Symposium Acoustics Foundation Ultra 
  2. Core Audio Plykraft 4L
  3. Butcher Block Audio Rigid Rack with 4 shelves 

This will be used with the following system:

Palmer 2.5i Turntable

  • LFD NCSE Mk3 amplifier
  • Sutherland Little Loco phono stage
  • Oppo UDP 203 CD player
  • Palmer turntable power supply
  • This sits on hardwood floors to the left of my Harbeth speakers which are Tontrager stands

I am not in the market for a $10k plus rack, but would love to hear opinions on the above racks or any other suggestions  


Thanks in advance  



My strategy has been good looking sturdy racks… then to follow through with vibration control. I have a Silent Running Audio Ohio Class isolation platform for my turntable (I highly recommend these). Then a combination of Black Diamond Racing platforms, cones, and Nobsound springs. Over the decades I have tried a number of different technologies.

Alternatively, you can get a fully suspended and dampened rack… but my feeling is it is more cost effective… or at least spreads out the cost when you start with solid racks, then add vibration controle one component after another. This allows you to customized it to each component. However, You need space to do this!

So, I recommend purchasing from companies that have been around forever so, if you need more you can get them. Height adjustable is really useful when you start experimenting with vibration control… it is easy to end up adding 2” to 6” to the height of a component. Think ahead.

@thr1961 I have the Symposium Foundation Ultra rack and speak testament to it.  The solid 6061 aluminum legs, tied tightly to each of the constrained layer levels (or, shelves) makes for an outstanding rack system.  To really make it at its' best is by also using the Symposium Rollerblock products.  I use the Rollerblock Jr HDSE under each component.  This creates a total system effect of isolation and vibration control.  Isolation is certainly very important, but so is vibration control of each component.  As a total system effect this concept is excellent.  Contact Peter at Symposium.  He is a pleasure to speak with and will convey the benefits better than anyone.  The website is also full of information by navigating through numerous layers, by category.  Read up and then call Peter.  There are a lot of great audio racks out there.  Only a few truly engineer a system approach.  Symposium is one of them.  The Foundation Ultra is reasonably priced and a very fair value.

That Plycraft is $3700. I'd be off to the lumber yard to build my own for 10% the cost or even stack up a 3" maple butcher block on some concrete blocks. Which is exactly what I did. Sounds so much better than the steel frame and granite unit and the heavy oak ones I used before.

SRA scuttle is what I have.  It actually made a significant difference to the sound, more than I expected which was weird considering it’s a passive component