Why don't we tire of music?

So, there’s a lot of smart folk’s on this site, and I’ve been wondering why people never grow tired of listening to music. For example, we don’t read the same book over and over, nor do we watch the same TV show or movie over and over.  But, we never get tired of listening to the same music.  Why is this?  What is it in our mentally that allows this to happen?  Just curious...  Thanks!



we never get tired of listening to the same music.  Why is this?"

Speak for yourself.

There's a lifetime of unheard music in every genre.

It's defining the line of audio as a hobby/audiophoolery and actually enjoying music that gets weird in these forums.

A lot of folks repeatedly return to the same piece of art over the course of their lives.

If I was smart, I’d re-read (or…uh…actually read…🙄) all them books on my shelf.

I re-watched a few different TV series’ over the last year or so.

The entire “Twin Peaks” story was one of those (seasons 1 & 2, then the ‘92 film, then the ‘17 Showtime, “ The Return” season).  It was even more amazing the 2nd time.

I re-watch films regularly, often getting a lot more out of them with repeat viewing (every once in a while maybe getting less 😉)

Music is so much more portable and easily repeatable, I guess. Morning shower, breakfast, commute, work, commute, dinner, evening, etc. You could potentially listen to music all damn day if you wanted.



For me it's the emotional release that a song means to me as well as the fond memories.of the time I first heard it. To this day where ever I am If I hear a song from my past I instantly remember the place and the people and the feelings of that moment.

A book your reading someone elses story with effort through purposeful information and back story imbedded. It consumes greater time and like life has longer periods of less excitement.

Music is easily transformative to sharing that emotion and or tying it to a period or incident relevent to the individuals listening. Simply easier to relate it's emotion consiously and subcounciously as if our own. Like a drug it seems to quickly swing a mood around, your energy and in best case scenarios...embelishes an already natural high...

I find a book is an escape from ourselves where a song is often in the context older songs , like comfort food for the soul. New music before it ages is a necassary drug to keep moving forward ....

Music is instant gratification in short fleeting moments with less of the malaise of life and books have inherently within them.

Its not that surprising. Read a good book about your favorite band ...or...put a soundtrack to it and see them live with a few friends and thousands of strangers..now it's imbedded in you... short in duration so potent with emotion and energy...like many of the best things in life...


As has2be says, yeah it seems most folks regard music as comfort food. Putting it another way, while there are certainly a good deal of adventurous listeners, most listeners aren't. And yeah, that's perfectly OK. I gotta say, though, that I do get my share of cheap chuckles out of posters whose tastes don't seem to stretch much further than Led Zeppelin.