Great classical pianists

Alexandra Dovgan is the pianist of her generation.


In the last century there was Richter. Today Trifonov. Now a new phenom. What is it in the Russian water that produces such giants of the keyboard?

We enjoy all great pianists. Rubinstein, Pollini, Argerich, Backhaus, Kempf, Michelangeli, Schnabel, Pogorelic, Gilels. Please add your favorite to this embarrassment of pianistic riches. But there is primus inter pares. 


 Listening now. But in this effort, I must also add that the Studio or engineers on the project can make or break a recording. I am currently streaming "Debussy: Estampes, L. 100 - 1. Pagodes" and though I can tell that he is quite talented and expressive, to my liking, I am having to tune out the echo from the cavernous room that he is being recorded in. Possibly that was intended to create an ethereal sound, but I doubt it. I have an affinity towards recording from "Steinway & Sons Studio". They have spent a lot of effort in perfecting the recording and it shows.

But again, I have a certain love for classical music, as I was raised in a musical home, but and a big but, it is difficult at best to record (the technical aspect) of a large orchestra and when looking at a solo, it should be as near perfect as possible or I just don't want to waste my time. I search hard for talented and well-made recordings of classical. I just am not finding many of them.
I am going to spend some time with Auuau and hope that if you haven't heard them (I'd be surprised if you haven't) Hyperion Knight and of course one of the first crossovers, Claude Bolling. If you had some of his original LPs in good condition, they are worth $thousands$.
By the way just listened to, 'Liszt: Années de pèlerinage: 3ème année, S.163 - 4. Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este' and it was very well made.

In addition to Jeremy Denker and Vikingur Olafsson, I'll add Jennifer Hewitt and Andras Schiff. So many wonderful pianists, so little time!

this young Russian pianist (he died) is especially loved in Japan... He has a special manner of performing (he was engaged in martial arts)... Chopin in his performance is a hit.
In this video, my favorite Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 2


Gieseking for Beethoven. Most especially his 1944 'Emperor' with anti-aircraft cannons breaking through. Did not fully appreciate 'Emperor' till then.

There are so many great pianists that I find making comparisons to be somewhat silly. I’ve heard conservatory students who were amazing and many of them will go through life without getting the attention they deserve. As for those who enjoy stardom, I saw in concert Andre Watts, Helene Grimaud, Fredrick Rzewski. At the Theatre Champs Elysee in Paris I caught Elisabeth Leonskaja perform Beethoven Sonatas. Around 1983, I saw Paul Bley with Steve Swallow and Paul Motion in Greenwich Village at the Lush Lounge. The club was very small; Jaco Pastorius and myself sat together in the far back. Paul Bley is forever etched in my mind from that experience.

As far as recordings go, I’m loyal listener to; Clara Haskil, Edwin Fischer, Alexander Melnikov, Andras Schiff, Maurizio Pollini, Angela Hewett, Marc-Andre Hamlin, Artur Rubinstein and recently Anna Malikova, to name a few.