Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change

As a 20 year hobbyist who has worked around the industry and made tons of contacts I really worry about the future of this hobby. 

For the last 30 years the industry has catered to an aging  clientele which I can tell you as a used gear guy a large percentage of my inventory comes from audiophiles who have passed away and at 38 i rarely meet people my age or near who are hobbyists. 

The industry is about the shadiest mainstream industry that has fought standards tooth and nail which is why amp and speaker ratings are all over the place confusing and discouraging the casual consumer. 

Millenials and Gen Z have spoken loudly that they won’t support shady business practices however market trends show that like audiophiles they bought a cheap Bluetooth speaker, than eventually a better and eventually a nice one. They want a option that is currently really only available from Devialet and a couple other manufactures. 

Also sales people use the technique that “you don’t know how to listen to music, you need to sit motionless in one spot” music reproduction needs to adapt to modern life where people are living smaller spaces with far more media options than ever before. 

As a guy on the border of Gen X and millennial I’ve built 4 rigs for friends over the years because I always get the response of “I can’t give up a whole wall, that’s insane” 


I would really like to see a company make a 12” and 15” Tannoy gold tv stand with volume control, bass, treble and loudness knobs as well as USB charging with an outlet strip on the back and a shelf for a PS5 or Xbox… that way they get big clean sound for example


What are y’all’s thoughts on ways the industry can still thrive and meet the new demands of consumers while getting good music to more people? Without a new influx I don’t see how the majority of brands and brick and mortars and stay on business due to a decline in clientele


@systembuilder I agree with the bulk of what you are saying about our hobby. The one thing that bothers me about this hobby is however, the listening in the “sweet spot” mentality. While, I understand the concept and have enjoyed listening with my share of beverages locked in on my couch, it is no longer where I want to be. I have an open room house, I enjoy listening to the same critical things coming out of my system I have always, but out and about in my home. Yes listening while doing other things. This make me happy and brings me joy to this hobby. Does that make me any less of an “audiophile” I think not and I really don’t need any salesman telling me how I should enjoy my system. Interesting topic! 

I inherited this hobby from my father. Being right at the edge between M. and Gen X.

1) It’s a solo hobby

2) It requires a good amount of dedicated time

3) It is expensive

4) It requires dedicated space

5) It does not give wow points in the friends circle

Until the kids are self sufficient and excess disposable income is available, which is usually in your 40s it is simple for many not a good lifestyle choice. 

I can listen maybe 2 hours a week which when looking from an investment perspective is not good use of the money invested.

Many here are retired or the kids are out of the house. Completely different perspective and lifestyle.

the phrase "I want positive changes in the industry" - this implies the desire of the seller to sell more and more ...
everything is very simple - if the product is much better than the previous one and at the same time cheaper - a queue of people will form to you ...

In fact, if the playback device has reached a certain ceiling and is done very well - the client will not come back ... he is happy and satisfied.

New clients? - yes, many have already mentioned here - the general level of education and culture of people has fallen - they don’t read anything, they have bananas in their ears ...

what to do ? - "kill" Elon Musk, Tim Cook and Bill Gates - they imagine themselves to be gods and dictate fashion to society ... they are driven by greed and arrogance ... but these were ordinary people (a lot of money was spent on them) they never cared about their soul and psyche (this is a huge work and great knowledge) ... as a result, the devil completely subjugated them - they are puppets and they can destroy the rest.

The industry - like most - is international.  So it’s not US companies dependent on a U.S. market.  Maybe $1 of every $6 is spent in the US.

‘The quality of sound across all media has been steadily increasing with technology.  That will continue.  Cassettes are gone for good.

How people spend their leisure time is constantly evolving.  Otherwise we’d be stuck on fox hunting and checkers.  

How we spend our money is also evolving.  A 2016 survey found that 72% of millennials prefer spending their money on activities rather than items.  


Seems to me like the main reason is how much disposable money you've got and what your priorities are. When I was in my 20's and 30's, I was quite happy to 'make do' with the sound system I had, and concerned myself purely with the music itself.