Is this a sideways move?

Hi everyone

I have an Aesthetix Mimas integrated that I enjoy, and my source is a Holo Spring 3 KTE DAC/preamp. Maybe I have upgraditus, but I'm thinking of using the Holo Spring as my preamp, and selling the Mimas for a good power amp. I'm thinking Coda S5.5, Coda No. 8, Aesthetix Atlas, Pass Labs XA30.8, Pass Labs X150.8, Modwright KWA150se. My budget is up to $10,000. I am driving Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers in a 15' x 15' room. Am I upgrading or is this just a sideways move? Are there others I need to consider?


Thank you in advance!


Those amps will be different, some very little, some a little more, but not necessarily "better", so the question comes down to the system: driving those small Harbeths, how much improvement am I going to see, even if I choose the "best" among that group (whatever that best one is)? Answer: not a lot.

In other words: the system is well balanced at the moment.  What are you trying to achieve, beyond scratching an itch?

(((My budget is up to $10,000.))))

While i enjoy what your speakers do for what they are the Aesthetix Mimas and the Vandersteen Treo CTs pairing is legendary. I promise it will bring on more of what your mind is longing for.



Yeah it seems that my speakers are a big constraint here. Seems I just ought to stand pat. When we move, and there is more space, then I can work on speakers and go from there.

LIke said above, I think I am just scratching an itch.

Very appreciate your responses.

Even in your existing room the TreoCTs Mimas pairing

will allow you to experience how great an amp the Aesthetix is

that you already own..





Yes save your money till after the move. Room comes 1st.  May find you wish to change speakers. Then a change in amplification may be in order.