Streamer creates a Wow experience

I started streaming by running USB from my iPad to my DAC using Qobuz, and I thought it sounded pretty good and was happy.  Then I compared this to playing CDs and much to my dismay I slightly preferred the CDs.  This was a depressing moment.  So I reached out to you guys and several of you assured me if I got a dedicated streamer it’d be much better, and while I always believed a streamer is important and can make a difference I still found myself a little skeptical how much improvement there would be. 

So I decided to heed the advice here and after some research got an iFi Zen Stream with their upgraded power supply.  After getting the Zen linked to my WiFi and using mconnectHD to be able to stream Qobuz through the iFi — Holy Crap!!!  I expected some improvement but I was not prepared for the huge leap in sound quality I was hearing.  Every aspect of sound improved markedly and my jaw was on the floor.

Anyway, you guys were so right in assuring me a streamer would make all the difference.  And this is through my HeadFi rig and can’t wait to hear what this sounds like on the big rig.  Thanks for your helpful advice and getting me through this.  I’m one shocked and very happy camper.





so when you play CDs, what is the setup?  How do you get the music into your headphones?


Thank you for posting and congrats on taking the leap of faith. I hope your thread open eyes for many who still thinks streamer quality don’t matter or streaming is no where near the quality of CD’s. I will also add, everything matters in digital chain. Once you settle down with your setup, start experimenting with LAN cable and noise filters. Not sure what LAN cable you’re currently using but for starters, a high quality LAN cable like Supra CAT 8 and a noise filter like Acoustic Revive RLI-1GB-TripleC should further enhance your streaming experience. 

I am following this thread with great interest, as I feel finally ready to take the streaming plunge. I already subscribed to Qobuz , Tidal and HDTracks, but am still on the fence about which streamer to buy. My music files are organized on my MacbookAir connected via Ethernet to our Comcast router, and my digital source is MSB Platinum Signature (heavily modified Oppo CD/SACD drive and NOS DAC). In other words: I do not need a streamer with a built-in DAC, which is the reason for my conundrum: all the better streamers come with their own DACs, which - in my case - would be a waste of money. Any educated suggestions from this illustrious forum?




Complete nonsense that USB is flawed! It’s quality is very dependent on the implementation. My Holo Audio MAY KTE DAC has Galvanic Isolation on the USB and I will tell you it sounds VERY GOOD!


I would look into Aurender N150 or N200. There are plenty of dealers that can afford you in-home demo. Either of these streamers would be a substantial upgrade over your MacBook. And their conductor app is easy to navigate / browse music and robust in its operation. I also recommend a tablet for conductor app.