Ethernet vs. Wi-Fi streaming

My question is simple…

If you have a very strong WiFi signal to your streamer and there are no signs of buffering are you giving up any sound quality?

I have a BluSound streamer to my Gustard DAC and stream Qobuz/Tidal 90% of time with no issues.  Would a hard lined Ethernet do anything to improve sound quality?  Hope my question is of value and makes sense.   


I tried WiFi streaming when I had the Matrix Audio i3 Mini Pro. That thing had so many connectivity options. I was surprised at how good the WiFi sounded. That is until it would fail and then it was a catastrophic failure and I had to do a DAC reboot or something along those lines.

I stuck with Ethernet streaming on that device and that never failed.


Depending on the streamer’s or DAC’s WiFi and Ethernet isolation, it is generally better to use WiFi unless you can connect a switch from a long Ethernet line and then connect a very good quality Ethernet cable for the last meter or two. Having a decent switch connected to that line ensures timing and packet integrity, and a good quality Ethernet cable maintains it. The switch could be a decent Cisco one - it does not have to be an EtherRegen or fancy $1K+ switch / reclocker, though the ones I’ve tried do work very well, and I own the SR UEF Switch myself, from which I replaced the EtherRegen. 

As for my setup, I actually use WiFi from my router to a Netgear Orbi satellite, then run a 1M DH Labs Reunion cable into the SR Ethernet Switch UEF. From there I run multiples of the same cable to each of my audio components that have an Ethernet input. 

I appreciate the responses and think I’m now convinced that if you have a great WiFi you do not need Ethernet.  I never had issues.  I think I’m sure my WiFi does

 lose any sound quality. It’s High speed and 25 feet away.  
thank  you 

@bobbyloans Given you are using a Bluesound node, I would say that you are correct that should not worry about it. While the Node is an incredible value for the price and I have owned multiple in the past, its built-in streamer does not produce the fidelity of dedicated higher-end streamers, and as such there’s no real sonic benefit of using wifi over ethernet or vice versa unless you are experiencing interference with one or the other. 

I can add another voice to this. IME, strong WiFi, if reliable, is a good platform for streaming. In fact, I even stream Qobuz through WiFi at the gym. It’s not perfect, but it’s rare there is an interruption.

At home, using an Auralic Aries G1 streamer, I’ve compared WiFi and Ethernet and found no difference in sound quality, no difference in reliability.