looking for a more efficient speaker.....

some thing with a higher then my current rated 86 alon IV.  something more easier to drive.  i love the way the sound but i have to drive them at 1-2 oclock to get the best sound and then you start to hear the strain.   let me know, i dont have big pockets so keep that in mind, plus i like floor standing types.


soix    did you try that and how is it working for you.   that and moving the wires and interconnect away from each other works wonders.  made sure i dont have anything touching the carpets too.......

i’m getting caught up on this thread, been on a trip in the last week plus

i am solidly with those saying this is not an amp/power issue - the dna will play plenty loud without strain, drive the alon 4's just fine thank you, even for loud listening in a reasonable room

problem is elsewhere in the system, first place to look is preamp to amp input/output matching, second place is check the tubes in the herron, third would be to make sure the source output voltage isn’t too low

jjs49,  welcome back.  to get you up to speed.  talked with robt lee with acoustic zen, sd that if you tighten the locking screws on the interconnects to tight it will cause you to have headroom and clarity or sound issue as it were.  i tried it and it worked.  i do have a lot of locking interconnects.  loosen them all, also keeping them away from each other as well does wonders for the sound quality as well.  the sound now is what i thought i brought this system for.