Responses from kennesawjet
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts? i have a just rebuilt mccormack dna 500 by jeff of conrad johnson up for sale on us audio mart, under conrad johnson that will make those puppies sing, let me know.....500w per channel. | |
McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 2.0 Deluxe raydecraene getting to old to handle this beast. dont even want to know what it sounds like, trying to sell it before i satisfied with my wifes cj system, becoming reacclimated with the cj house sound again, may take it off sale. | |
Should I Update My Krell KAV 250a ? i have a cj mf 2500a and mccormack dna 500 both have been updated and the mccormack just back from cj, havent even open it up yet. make me an offer. 770-426-7275 | |
McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 2.0 Deluxe 1st how or what do you think of that manley, i hear they have a nice sound. 2nd just got my dna 500 back from cj, jeff retooled it for me, haven’t even open it yet, make me an offer...... | |
Why isn't better quality used gear being made available? what do you call good gear, im about to put my mccormack dna 500, up for sale soon as i get it back from cj. playing my mf2500a they did recently and i think i just like the cj house sound better....and its to heavy. | |
McCormack Amp Upgrades tube 540 shamless plug, if you look at my ad on us audio mart, in conrad johnson section im thinking about selling my dna 500 once i get it back from cj for servicing. to big for me to handle any more, at my age | |
Lush and Romantic Tube Amps bluethinker i think i have what you are looking for, conrad johnson et 3se preamp mf2500a power amp rebuilt by cj. let me know....... | |
what preamp goes best with mccormack dna 500, follow up.... audphile1 i had a oppo on it at first, switched to the nad, gave it a more mature sound. i love the sound of the wow's. not a fan of arc. sounded to mechanical for my taste. jafant, tried to move my dna 500, had to pay some one to do it for... | |
what preamp goes best with mccormack dna 500, follow up.... blackbag 20 i cant afford that stuff jafant thanks, knew you would chime in, i have a conrad johnson.....et3se jwpstayman, i was considering the xlr type amp soix thinking about selling off some of my stuff to get me one good preamp | |
what preamp goes best with mccormack dna 500, follow up.... soix, what i have is speaker alon IV'S (was also thinking of a more efficient model) preamp herron v1 cd nad 565cee acoustic zen, wow II's and signal cable everywhere else more clarity, some info is being sacrificed for others, better s... | |
Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000 i might have just what you want, call me 770 426 7275. | |
Don’t buy used McCormack DNA 1990s amps good looking out soix..... | |
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp if this will help british mullards- warm, detailed, good dynamics german telefunken, siemens, open, airy, good head room, great sound top to bottom holland amperex, phillps good sound staging, 3 dimensional, good top end, bass may be a l... | |
Loss of bass & full spectrum sound i went thru the same thing, i changed tubes, got a power condt, changed wiring and speakers still the same thing. i have a cj mf 2500a and it sounds like new mated with a et 3se..... | |
Loss of bass & full spectrum sound i had that same problem, i had wrote in to the forums as well. what it turn out to be was the output cap or trans in my amp were going bad and jeff at cj called me to tell me the amp was getting a little long in the tooth. i sent it in and they ... |