looking for a more efficient speaker.....

some thing with a higher then my current rated 86 alon IV.  something more easier to drive.  i love the way the sound but i have to drive them at 1-2 oclock to get the best sound and then you start to hear the strain.   let me know, i dont have big pockets so keep that in mind, plus i like floor standing types.


Showing 2 responses by jjss49

i’m getting caught up on this thread, been on a trip in the last week plus

i am solidly with those saying this is not an amp/power issue - the dna will play plenty loud without strain, drive the alon 4's just fine thank you, even for loud listening in a reasonable room

problem is elsewhere in the system, first place to look is preamp to amp input/output matching, second place is check the tubes in the herron, third would be to make sure the source output voltage isn’t too low