Rogue RP-1 or Schiit Freya

Hello all, I'm looking for opinions regarding my next upgrade. I will be moving from an older NAD pre-amp. Now that I have a Rogue Atlas Magnum III in power duties, I'm looking for a new pre. 

Sources MoFi Ultra deck TT with Ultra Phono Pre. NAD CD player

Amp: Rogue Atlas Magnum III

Speakers: Klipsch Heresy IV

Sub SVS PB2000 pro

Both the Rogue and Schiit are my top contenders. 

Thank you!

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I’m still not sure if I want the maintenance involved in a tube preamp, I did encounter instances of distortion with the Freya+ in tube mode. I think if you’re going to get the most out of a tube setup, you need to be willing to roll a few tubes. 

Most tube preamps are incredibly reliable and low maintenance. Sounds like a issue specific to the Schiit / Freya tube mode, which wouldn't surprise me. But to be fair, rolling vintage 6SN7 tubes is inviting more trouble than with other preamp tube types - noise, microphony, and worn to hell tubes people try to pawn off there.

Had freya+.  Not a fan of the sound. Sounded like it was made out of recycled cans.  

That is the best short review I've ever read.

Rogue gets my vote for synergy, sound and build quality. I owned RP-1 paired with ST-100. 
Upgrade the stock JJs to Gold Lions or Brimars and it’s hard to beat. As an added bonus the RP-1 has a very nice built in phono stage that worked great with MM and MC. 

I’m running an RP-1 (stock tubes) into a Benchmark AHB2 driving a pair of Fyne Audio 702s.  Sources are NAD 568 CD player and Apple Lossless via iPad Pro & iFi Zen Stream, both through Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC.  My result is superb open sound, with wide sound stage and excellent reproduction of the instruments and voices.  With many recordings, it is as if the performer(s) are right in the room.

I am wondering if going to balanced interconnects from the DAC to preamp and preamp to power amp would make any difference.  That would mean a new preamp, and I was considering the Freda+ for a trial.  Perhaps the Rogue Audio RP-7 or the Backert Rhumba 1.3 would be more appropriate preamp options, although they are a great deal more money.

I have had dealings with both Rogue’s and Schiit’s customer service, the former with questions and the latter with a faulty remote, and both were prompt and fully satisfactory with their responses—Schiit sent me a replacement remote within two days.

@mike4597 I owned RP-1 and liked it a lot. It’s a very capable preamp.
IMO, if you’re happy with the sound I wouldn’t bother upgrading the preamp. I would focus on the source in this system. You can squeeze more out of streaming by getting a dedicated streamer like the Lumin U1 Mini or the new U2 Mini and use Qobuz instead of Apple. Also, the Brimar CV4003 tubes can take the performance of the RP-1 to the next level. The stock JJs are ok to get you going but they don’t a candle to the Brimars.