Recommended photo preamp with Klipsch and 300b amp?


Wondering if folks have any experience / recommendations for a photo stage amp around $1-2k? The rest of my set up is a 300b amp (Elekit 8600) driving a pair of Klipsch Fortes IVs. I presently have a Sutherland little loco phono stage and I find it underwhelming. For analogue, I really want warmth and body and texture - and the Sutherland (with few exceptions, depending upon record) sounds rather analytical and lifeless to me.

Heard good things about Decware, Parasound, Sun Valley.

Thanks for your help!



Some others to consider (all would have to be used with your budget):

Manley Chinook - to my ears, this has the sound signature you're looking for.

Pass Labs XP-15 - a little more on the "neutral" side, a bit more detail and dynamics and a ton of gain and loading settings

If you prefer to buy new, consider the Musical Surroundings Nova iii.  I have not heard this unit, but previously owned the Nova Phonomena, which was a very neutral and flexible phono stage.  Not quite as much detail and dynamics as the other two I mentioned, but might be a good match with the Klipsch.