What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?

I see the Luddites are out again with their pitchforks decrying the sorcery of USB and other ethereal pleasures of the anointed  agnostic apostles of truth. It maybe witchcraft or the devil's works but cables do make a difference due to their satanic sorcery. In the words of Pete Townshend "I can't explain".

Curious Evolved, JCAT Signature and iFi Gemini were all great with the edge goint to JCAT for me, but I'm still in AES land. Likely moving back towards USB needs and curious about the Inakustic and if anyone's tried Snake River's USB (his Boomslang AES is fantastic). 

These USB's seemed to be responsive to galvanic isolation gizmos from iFi - Loesch is generally a solid designer to my mind and ear. I tend to not like so many cables and boxes, but they seemed to round the leading edges in a way my sensitive old man ears appreciated.

I am considering upgrading my digital USB cable. Reading this thread has been informative but also seems like there are so many choices out there, and what cables do what is sort of unclear to me.

Has anyone tried this one? This seller seems to advertise on the used sites a good bit.  I think I would like to stay in the expensive but not crazy price of say a couple hundred bucks max.

Avanti Audio USB