Home Theater Newbie Seeking Advice for Cornwall IV Setup

Hi everyone,


I've heard about Klipsch products for many years and finally decided to buy a set of Cornwall IV's and build my home theater around them. While I understand the general concepts and requirements of speakers, placements, etc, I'm having a hell of a time differentiating between amplifiers, pre-amps, integrated amps, receivers, audio/video processors, etc. I'm coming from a $300 surround sound setup that had a $400 Yamaha Receiver. I thought a receiver is an amp but now that I'm researching amps, receivers, etc it seems that I was living in a bubble.


I know that my following question is extremely subjective, but what amp/receiver/etc is going to be the best bang for my buck for a home theater system? I'm going to be running my TV, Blu-Ray player, and 1 game console through the home theater system.


Here is my current setup:


2 x Cornwall IV for Front Speakers

1 x Cornwall IV for Center Speaker

2 x Klipsch RP-502S II for Rear Speakers

1 x Klipsch SPL-150 for Subwoofer


I went to Best Buy to ask their head audio guy for advice. He referred me to their premium designer of the entire SW Florida area. He came to my house and recommended a list of things which is attached to this post. Will that equipment fit the bill for my system? Are those good components? Again, I know nothing lol.


I also asked him to give me advice for my room which is acoustically horrible. 12' high ceilings and probably a 25'x15'x room. I'll attach pictures of that as well. I'm willing to do whatever is necessary as far as acoustic treatments to make this system sound amazing.


I'm sure I'm forgetting to ask a few things or mention a few things but hopefully you guys will straighten me out!


PS: Where can I get just a single Cornwall IV as my center? Everyone I've seen only sells them in pairs.


Thanks in advance,



Room Pictures and estimate from Best Buy


 having owned several types of Klipsch , I personally wouldn't have them without tubes somewhere in the system, preferably the pre amp.

"Frankly, if I’m you I’d seriously consider buying an Anthem MRX540 A/V receiver that’ll sound great, has plenty of power for your speakers, and at $1699 new it’ll save you a small fortune over the Rotel gear."

Totally agree with the above statement.  





My local dealer sells the complete line of the Klipsch Heritage series. I’ve heard the Cornwalls hooked up to a Luxman LX-380 18 wpc tube integrated that was more than enough power to pin your ears back. The Anthem is more than enough power. It won’t even break a sweat. In fact w/the money you save get a better sub.