Bryston's New Back To The Future Program.

According to James Tanner if you have a Bryston amp over 20 years old and out of warranty they will bring it up to spec. Also you will get a 3 year warranty. At the present time it's only available in North America. He also mentioned that if successful he may consider older Bryston preamps. No prices were given.


“Up to spec”.
Considering that there is a weak relationship between specs and SQ in the view of many members of this forum, the promise is no panacea for owners hoping their old amps will sound like new. Just sayin’…

promise is no panacea for owners hoping their old amps will sound like new. Just sayin’

Minor point for some it seems. This is the official address if you're interested in the pilot program. If you decide to do the upgrade give us the cost and the results.

Hey Ozzy62. I'm thinking the the positive commen about the Bryston program would have been great without the tired, worn out pejorative comment about the "Bryston Sound".