Speakers known for great midrange.

I’m looking for a pair of stand mount speakers with great midrange. Smooth,and syrupy. Powering them with Pass INT-25. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Besides Dynaudio that I suggest, I own Heritage, I really want to hear Simaudio new step into the ring Voice.

You didn’t mention budget so staying around $3k.



Is it fair to say Harbeth is not the best choice for an all arounder and perhaps better with classical or slow jazz?

classical or slooowwwwww jazz only... or else they will blow up and burn down your house, have fire extinguisher ready if you are listening to rock or edm

I hear the Harbeth quality control can be hit or miss.

tuurible, just tuurrible - consecutive pairs of mon 30.2 off production line can sound like klipsches, then dahlquists, then bose ... tis what happens when you hire blind folks from the south of london to do final q-c



Not a stand mount, far from it...Duntech Princess; excellent midrange.



The original QUAD ESL is considered the standard for midrange reproduction, but does not sound syrupy; for years it was also the standard for transparency. For smooth and somewhat soft sound (a mild form of syrupy?), how about one of the old Vandersteen's (the Model 2 is a favorite)?