Ridiculous sale

Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ citing tha t you can pay that if you want to wait a year. This is a disgrace in Audiogon. Also TMR sales require you to go to their website and look for the product for information. Unfortunately the hobbiest mentality that predominated Audiogon Is being replaced by these dry, unfear actions and styles. What a shame.


"A fair price is what the market will bear."

Don't want it bad enough to pay the price, don't buy it.  It's your choice, nobody is forcing you to pay a premium.


If I don’t like what’s on TV,I change the channel,or turn it off. I don’t ask that the broadcaster be shut down.  By the way,I don’t watch much TV.  

Profits are good for business but when the market is manipulated for the purpose of gauging people is another matter. Unfortunately the oil industry does this all the time. By decreasing supply, demand will increase thus driving up costs to the consumer. Think what would happen to the food supply if it were manipulated in this manner, just maybe this is already happening!

The government makes more money on a gallon of gas than the oil company ever dreamed of. And with zero risk or capital outlay. That's what I call gouging.

And as far as decreasing supply, no one is going to top Joe in that department.