Audioquest Storm Series power cables

I have been reading about Audioquest storm series here at Agon since they were released unfortunately they are so expensive and never bother to take them seriously. I like their mid price ic and speakers cables especially their old model.This past weekend Music Direct has warehouse sales demo and returns, I spoke to the rep ask for a good deal for three pc 2 hurricane High current 1 meter , one 2 m tornado high current pc.Bless to have a good deal. Hurricane went to my Plinius amp, one hurricane pc  connected to my Ruby sacd player, tornado pc connected to my power conditioner, Indeed the musical impact did to both system is amazing , I will try to update after 50 hrs. 


@facten thanks for your fb on my credibility, sorry for not impressing you much (yet)! Currently I am designing analog circuits, and I am using very expensive cable, in some sensitive measurements, specific signal test cables cost me $5000 a pair! I am reading Audiogon community posts to identify what else to look in analog circuit design, and to improve testing. That’s why I am asking for blind test results, which supposed to be “final" judge since 70s, when discussions got too hot. Btw, what about your credentials, are you technical /science personality, or more like marketing/sales person?

@music_is_life Higher standards always welcome, but technical performance superiority claims need to be confirmed either by measurements or blind auditioning, apple-apple. 

@westcoastaudiophile BS Meter is pegged!

Rotten Apple-Rotten Apple. As only measurement's matter to your kind. Go back to ASR. 

Our discussions are over and out. 

 Currently I am designing analog circuits, and I am using very expensive cable, in some circumstances to do measurements right, some signal test cables cost $5000 a pair! I am reading Audiogon posts to identify what else to look in design, or or testing, to sense valuable customer experience

@music_is_life how someone can design and manufacture all of your equipment, if it cannot be measured/tested? in analog design we use a lot of very expensive circuit simulation tools as well, where all electrical spec is verified on HVM basis. 

@facten “possibility of improvement”: I did compare expensive heavy $500 power cord with built-in ferritic RF noise filter clamp, to Accuphase pre/amp stock cables, few times, and found no sound difference. I used analog vinyl - and SACD source. RF filter clamp effect was confirmed in measurements, which come out as about 12dB RF noise suppression in common mode, in 1MHz-1GHz freq. sweep. Similar improvement was achieved by adding standalone RF filter clamp on top of stock cable. As for resistance improvement, higher AC voltage drop of couple millivolts was measured in original cable vs expensive one, which is not significant, and can’t cause any listenable difference.