Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to


A general question on a “Total System” that YOU have heard at a buddies or acquaintance home. ( not a one night stand at audio show or retailer)

Is there a best system you have heard, that you consider darn near the best you can achieve ?  Or just the best sounding home system that a friend has, and you have spent some wonderful time with ?

or Maybe yours ? 

What kind of system was it ?  Components, etc 

Is there truly nirvana at a home 




Rockadanny,  nice set up.   How do you like the Whammerdyne?   I almost bought one but I didn't think it was quite enough power .   I have heard that you can not "unhear" one, they are that good

I honestly don't have anyone in my circle that is really into hifi.... so I really haven't heard anything in someone's home that blew me away.    Lot's of them have Bose table radios and Blutooth speakers..... I've heard some nice $100k +  systems though over the years .....  

@oddiofyl - Thank you for your kind words. I am very much enjoying the Whammerdyne. It sounds pure, immediate, and spacious. Paired with willing speakers (mine are rated 96dB and friendly impedance), I get plenty of volume, along with very good bass response. I can confidently say the Whammerdyne is my end goal for an amplifier. For the first time ever I’ve stopped pursuing other gear. Purely enjoyment from here on out for me.


I quite agree on all your AR reference amps, although I only have Ref 6 right now.  I can't use Ref 3 because for some unknown reason it can't be run balanced in and out (earlier AR Ref phonos could be).  So I bought a van den Hul Grail SE and couldn't be happier - hugely underrated unit largely missing from these pages.


But you really need to upgrade that Linn.  Not by spannering in 50 years of Linn upgraded parts built on the same 50 year old design.  I had a Linn in the early 80s when they were £250.  Today the Klimax at £23,000 is the most over-priced turntable you can buy.  That money will buy any number of far better units.  Linn are taking the *iss.

50 years ago the Linn was a very good turntable, even if difficult to keep in tune.  But that was 50 years ago.  Time moves on apace.  I have upgraded three times since then and left Linn far behind on the first move.

Bin the Linn and get way better SQ.