Those that upgraded from Tekton

What did you move on to?


I think it’s time I move on from my DIs, I really like how they sound but they are just too big and opposing for my room. Would be interested in something front ported as I have a room that is wide but not deep (speakers are 8 ft away from listening position and only 1 ft from back wall).

Was thinking Cornwall IV maybe or something from Salk but those might not be an upgrade from the DI.

Up to $5k budget and prefer used. Powered by Line Magnetic LM805i

And please don’t come here just to talk crap about Tekton……….


I can just recommend you to buy the Cornwall IV and never look back. It's a terrific speaker, I've been owning a pair for 6 months and I still think at that price it's hard to find anything better, at least I couldn't. They are engaging and refined at the same time and work great even with 3 watts. Don't know if it's possible to find a speaker which does so many things so good and need just a $1000 amplifier like a Decware just to name one. Really think Klipsch did a phenomal work here. Plus in my opinion they look just beautiful, for sure much more than th Tekton DI's.

“ Hey!!!! There he is, Mr. Insecure had to say something!“

Oh Dear … Insecure , really! The mere fact that I openly express a forthright opinion on these average PA speakers would suggest entirely the opposite would it not? You on the other hand are bailing out of your much beloved PA brand and are seeking advice on where to go next … who is insecure here ?


Come on guys give tsushima1 give him a break.  He's already yawning and needs his nap.  You know how cranky he gets when adults keep him up

“ Come on guys give tsushima1 give him a break.  He's already yawning and needs his nap.  You know how cranky he gets when adults keep him up“

Sadly so true … I am sorry to say, If only there was a modicum, a glimpse … even a spark of wit or originality I might stay awake.