Those that upgraded from Tekton

What did you move on to?


I think it’s time I move on from my DIs, I really like how they sound but they are just too big and opposing for my room. Would be interested in something front ported as I have a room that is wide but not deep (speakers are 8 ft away from listening position and only 1 ft from back wall).

Was thinking Cornwall IV maybe or something from Salk but those might not be an upgrade from the DI.

Up to $5k budget and prefer used. Powered by Line Magnetic LM805i

And please don’t come here just to talk crap about Tekton……….


Showing 1 response by adversam

I can just recommend you to buy the Cornwall IV and never look back. It's a terrific speaker, I've been owning a pair for 6 months and I still think at that price it's hard to find anything better, at least I couldn't. They are engaging and refined at the same time and work great even with 3 watts. Don't know if it's possible to find a speaker which does so many things so good and need just a $1000 amplifier like a Decware just to name one. Really think Klipsch did a phenomal work here. Plus in my opinion they look just beautiful, for sure much more than th Tekton DI's.