Cornwall IV – tube (amp) choice

I recently bought the Cornwall IVs and even while running with my old and small Rotel amp they make me pretty happy. But having listened to them plugged to a tube amp in the shop this will be the next investment. And with no proper shop around where I can compare different models and different tube types I´m depending on other people´s experiences. I know that once I have any amp here tube rolling will be the next thing to try but for now I´d like to know if someone can tell me something about different tube types or amps that work well with the Cornwall IVs (or similar sounding speakers).

Of course I´m looking for the warmth that the current amp does not provide. Also it seems that the highs are a bit too pronounced, so I´m willing to trade some of those in if it means gaining more low-mids and lows. Having said that, I´m not looking for boom, just a little more cozyness.

Some tube amps I came across:

lab12 integr4 (KT150)
Primaluna evo 300 (EL34 – I´m a bit afraid of the evo 400, 8 power tubes are a bit intimidating when it comes to rolling or exchanging broken tubes)
Willsenton R800i (300B / 805)

My desired price range is up to $3.000 but well, the primaluna are already above that limit.
As you can see I´m not afraid of chinese brands. I´m living in Europe and dependend on what´s available here.

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I bought the Enleum 23R in December to drive my Cornwall IVs.  It's a fantastic match in my system including the Aurender W20SE, Holo May KTE, Rega P10 and Luxman EQ-500.  I also use a REL S5 subwoofer.  Steve Guttenberg just today did a review of the 23R driving the Cornwall IV.  Here's a link to that review:


He's right about the 23R being a world class headphone amp as well.  It drives my Susvara, Abyss 1266TC, Focal Utopia and ZMF Verite like no other headphone amp I've ever owned and I've owned a bunch.

I have a "high output" Dennis Had Firebottle that has 4 tubes and 12 to 17WPC. He does still make these sometimes and might make one for you if you email him (Ebay mail).

That little Luxman is a wonderful 10 wpc tube amp, punches above it’s weight class. I have it in my office. Lowest power amp I ever owned, and it did well playing my Wharfedale Diamond 225’s which are the least efficient speakers I ever had, 87db. Now driving my restored AR-2ax’s very nicely. In that 10 x 12 room, at the moderate level I listen to there.

I hooked it up downstairs to the big horns/15" woofer, at least 102db efficiency like the Cornwalls. Sounded great, but in that space, to get to live levels, and have some reserve for peaks, I felt I was pushing it too much, I’m not used to volume knob being nearly full on.