My endgame system I think

Good day everyone. I wanted to share what I believe is my endgame 2 channel system and say thank you to all of the members here for all of the advice I’ve gotten and read. It’s a simple system but the forum has  guided me tremendously with my decisions. A special thank you goes out to Duke of audiokinesis  (who I met at Axpona was very gracious with a few questions I had) for recommending Jeff at HDacoustics to design my room that I built while the speakers were being built. I hope to have many years enjoying my new system. Thanks again everyone ! 



Hi OP, the attention you have paid to room acoustics is impressive. Most just add some treatment as an afterthought. Congratulations, however you seem a little unsure about it possibly being overdamped. May I suggest you, if haven’t already, download a free app REW and puchase an appropriate microphone.

There is a whole forum dedicated to REW and how to use it. This will allow you to measure your room and get a visual of just how the room is performing. For every size of room there is a target response to aim for which is the amount of time it takes for the sound to decay by 60dB known as T60, probably about 400ms in your size room.

Less than this time means the room is overdamped, longer means underdamped and so removes any guesswork regarding the effectiveness of your existing treatment.

The program displays the results on a screen showing problem areas, for example any peak or dips (nulls). This is presented as a waterfall plot where you can clearly identify the troublesome areas. I have found this approach to optimising a room the only way to go. That is not to say that your room does not conform to this standard but it is certainly peace of mind knowing that the room is correct. It will help positioning your speakers and also where to place any subs you may add.

There is also HolmImpulse (free) and what I use, Omnimic from Parts Express about $300. Consider that should you change speaker position or add/remove furniture a quick measurement will display the results.

It has been stated that the treatment should be adjusted according to the size of the speakers. This indicates a misunderstanding of the science behind this optimisation. It’s the room that is being treated and when correct it’s correct for all and any speakers.


Thank you for the advice. I actually have a Umik and was going to give REW a try a few weeks ago but discovered I needed an adapter to connect the laptop to the Boulder 866 and I have been dragging my feet getting one. I definitely want to know how the room measures so I need to get off my butt and get it done. 




@ronboco I am at a similar spot right now. I decided to go with the Atria II and keep my JL Fathoms. The Boulder is great but an external dac will make a difference. I ended up with classe delta pre and Stereo paired with the MSB Discrete with the rederer card. So no need for a network streamer but the module is $2k. 

Just glad to see more rockports here. 


The Atria is a great speaker. That’s what they had at Axpona. Sounded amazing. I’m going to stick with the DAC in the Boulder at least for now as it reviewed very well and I spoke to the owner of Boulder ( I’ve embarrassingly forgotten his name) at Axpona and he said it’s the same DAC that is in their stand alone unit which made me feel even better. Happy listening !

I see rock wool in the walls but you don’t specify brand? And the panels you are using to cover them are? I used burlap: cheap ($4.00 per yard) and aesthetically pleasing (to me, at any rate).