What's a good amount of time to have my preamp unplugged before I swap out tubes?

I don't want to get zapped, or worse.

+++ for newbee...

I usually wait 10-15 minutes for the tubes to cool, and the power supply caps to lessen their stored voltage.

Probably longer than needed for small signal tubes (to cool), but certainly not a bad idea for power tubes (especially the 2A3/300B) I've used over the past 20 years.

I can always find something else to worry about during the long wait, so nothing is really lost (from my life).



A lot comes down to the capacitors and how big they are before discharging maybe 5- 10 minutes I wanted to be safe , no set rule though .

you can replace the tubes right away... just don't burn your fingers . capacitors charge is not an issue. you can use gloves if you want . there is no difference if you replace tubes immediately or in 24 hours period.

Also please unplug power cord. Why rush, cooked off tubes should have metals be harder. 

Heat is work and work is heat.