The Music at AXPONA 2022

I didn't take any notes or data sets--but....that said...

Did it seem to you like at least half of the rooms played obscure audiophile music?  What's up with wind chimes, sound effects, electronic psychedelia, and so on, being so popular at the show?  It seems to me there are TONs of well recorded offerings that could be played from many genres. 

I like the avant garde, but at a show wouldn't it make more sense to stay on the highway of golden age jazz, folk, blues, rock, hip hop, classical?  

What I struggled with is there are so many superbly produced and engineered recordings available, why veer into such a direction?  

To be fair, there were many rooms with great musical selections.  Yet, it's hard for me to imagine folks saying, "hey, what's this track involving a waterfall, chimes, and percussion?  I need to hear it at home." 

Disclaimer--I realize there is some subjectivity to this and I'm certain I've got some "weird" music in my collection.  It just seems there's a big selection of music being played that alienates people. And that's saying something as many hifi enthusiasts have diverse tastes in music.  


Wait they play wind chimes, waterfalls and percussion music at hifi shows now? It’s not all Aja and Dark Side? 

I need to start going to hifi shows! 

Post removed 

So,  my elegantly written post was removed for using the "s" word!! The moderator can't be polite and simply allow me to edit the word.  They just take the whole thing out... 

This presumes that an editing function of posts exists.  They can be changed for a short time after initial posting, after which as far as I can see they become set in stone.