Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..

Wanted to introduce myself and say hello and continue to learn here. I have been lurking and learning for a couple of months as I educate myself on the digital side after a lifetime (60+ years) of tube "Hi-Fidelity".

Currently just playing with my home theatre set up and running Mconnect into QoBoz from my I Phone into my Yamaha receiver to Def Tech Power Monitor 700's to understand the landscape. Much to learn before I commit to scaling up my next system.

I am intrigued by the technology and have listened to a number of systems. Thanks  for the knowledge shared already.



I  have never regretted  my move...

I had thousands of cd...

I  put them  all on files...Slowly ...

It is way convenient...Now...

And i studied room acoustic to compensate for the small lost on S.Q. quality by these transitions..

At my great surprize i discovered that the greatest possible improvement in audio is nothing of what audio lovers speak about like cables, tube/ss, or analog vinyl/digital, etc

But room acoustic is the most important change, even over MOST gear choices upgrade , upgrade near the same level for sure...Exhanging a 100 bucks amplifier to a 50,000 bucks one is NOT an upgrade...

i am nearly the only one to say that because small room acoustic is difficult to figure out...And no gear dealer like to speak about that, i dont know why?



I agree... Vinyl still is a commitment for me... however digital is no longer just a convenience, the technology has come very far of late and at least for my ears competitive when all the variables are calibrated. Your observation is exactly what I am working thru now...evaluating reflection points, cable runs and " optics" within the room was a full day today.  I still would prefer class A amp/pre amp integrated solution and then component separates for the streamer and DAC... My room is 22x15 with a 22 ft vaulted ceiling... At the moment I am leaning towards the Zu Soul 6 (213cobra's analysis was exceptionally helpful)...speaker and studying up on streamers and DAC's... the immersion into the brands, functions and comparability's and complements is what I enjoy just second to listening to the music this effort brings forth.



I could... but current just connecting via Wi-Fi... it is my understanding the phone degrades the signal either way, and as my receivers DAC capability is more algorithmic than a dedicated component I am sure I am not hearing Hi Res anything. I think my next step is to pick up a Bluesound streamer and hear how much difference I gain