Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..

Wanted to introduce myself and say hello and continue to learn here. I have been lurking and learning for a couple of months as I educate myself on the digital side after a lifetime (60+ years) of tube "Hi-Fidelity".

Currently just playing with my home theatre set up and running Mconnect into QoBoz from my I Phone into my Yamaha receiver to Def Tech Power Monitor 700's to understand the landscape. Much to learn before I commit to scaling up my next system.

I am intrigued by the technology and have listened to a number of systems. Thanks  for the knowledge shared already.



Showing 9 responses by poke33

Thanks for this 4afsanakhan....from what I can see the vinyl available market is getting smaller... people like me who have "great vinyl systems" are falling away, and like me, I dont want to be interrupted entertaining friends changing an album. I have found the digital options to be very good, exceptional in some areas...I agree, I will never walk away from my vinyl room... the options presented are economic based for sure... Once I get his system up and running I will revert with a better assesment... 

I could... but current just connecting via Wi-Fi... it is my understanding the phone degrades the signal either way, and as my receivers DAC capability is more algorithmic than a dedicated component I am sure I am not hearing Hi Res anything. I think my next step is to pick up a Bluesound streamer and hear how much difference I gain

Thanks for the tip on John... has any of folks use the netgear Ethernet over house wire to be better than a large wireless pipe ? Seems it may be more stable yet house wire has A lot of noise

I agree... Vinyl still is a commitment for me... however digital is no longer just a convenience, the technology has come very far of late and at least for my ears competitive when all the variables are calibrated. Your observation is exactly what I am working thru now...evaluating reflection points, cable runs and " optics" within the room was a full day today.  I still would prefer class A amp/pre amp integrated solution and then component separates for the streamer and DAC... My room is 22x15 with a 22 ft vaulted ceiling... At the moment I am leaning towards the Zu Soul 6 (213cobra's analysis was exceptionally helpful)...speaker and studying up on streamers and DAC's... the immersion into the brands, functions and comparability's and complements is what I enjoy just second to listening to the music this effort brings forth.



MahlerAirPlay is what I am using, so I can tell the sound is lacking... I am sure nothing is hi res...

gdnrbob- I agree... the blue sound is just to learn as I settle on the digital system. will park it in my home theatre... rat hole for sure..but a fun one to explore

thank u both

Touché serjio!

Thanks ghdprentice... I have 5 tube ham radios from the 1920's... which I restored to mint + over the years...I went over to state of the art solid state for that hobby and while I still use the tube stuff on occasion, 98% of my activity is with the solid state side now. I am completely refurbishing my Scott 299... love the amp, the sound, the look and feel... but I just want that system to be my " vinyl" room... 

Thanks for your comments... that's exactly what I plan to do... get qualified if u will on the home theatre side and really delve into the acrhitexture of what I am looking for and find the solution that I can really enjoy and be proud of...

in moving this system into from the engine room to the bridge, in addition to ALL of the audiophilic variables, I have to blend it into the room optics because harmony is not only a musical thing... I have a credenza that I am using to house the system, so all of a sudden component depth is a factor... speaker size, cable runs all need to be considered.... lots of fun so far... the variety, technology, engineering paths of these components are really interesting...

Yes... Christos Anesti! For those celebrating American Easter...

I  very much appreciate the feedback comments from those who have boldly gone before me... 


So a quick update on my journey so far.... for the past 6 days I have awoken evangelically convinced of the brands, components and installation configuration... and by late afternoon that days conviction was discarded! 

what I gave found is that while many brands have solid distribution and technically savvy people, others are run from a sales perspective so poorly they have to be hurting their marquee...

Todays journey took me to a well known manufacture, whose website was so poorly updated I had to use  the 7 zip codes I have lived in across the country to try to find a dealer who was still operating. I finally got thru on Linked In, but the experience was not reflective of a high end anything...

Others, Kent at PassLabs, Phil at Zu, Jon at Music Direct have been exceptional... the fun continues... so much to read and so many options to listen and to and consider... 

Thanks to all for the council as I narrow my decision points


A quick update... Purchased the Manly Stingray II, Tannoy Autograph Mini's and the Bluesound Node....awaiting arrival this Friday...very excited, my sincere thanks to all the folks on this thread for their council on this...