Vinyl Repair?

Last night my wife was putting on our near mint condition original Tusk pressing and proceeded to drop it. In the process of catching it, she put a pretty good gouge into the first 2 songs, resulting in healthy pops I'd like to eliminate if possible. I’ve checked out a couple of YouTube vids on how to fix, but figured I’d trust people here to truly know. Seems like my options are 1) Put weight on needle and hope that somehow regrooves it (also seems like no one here is going to advocate for using your stylus in this manner) 2) the toothpick trick which seems to get good reviews and 3) some sort of 1500 grit sandpaper which seems insane.

Any advice pre divorce?


This is probably a topic for a new thread…

I have run out of vertical LP storage and have many records now horizontally.

Have always known that this will warp records.

How accurate is this?

I haven't tried this but I wonder if rubbing the damaged area with a Mr. Clean scrubbing pad with a little water would remove the groove nicks toward the top of the grooves without damaging the rest of the groove. It's soft and slightly abrasive but not near as bad as sandpaper. I'd try it on some old inherited damaged LP's for grins but my TT is down,

Jim S.

Thanks everyone.  I clearly need to hang out on Discogs more. 

I am going to try the toothpick and will advise if for nothing else future time travelers to take advantage of should they happen upon this thread.  

Don't mess with the toothpick.  You might think it's wood so it can damage the vinyl but the vinyl's really soft.

Besides. the point of the toothpick will cover three of four grooves - it's huge, relatively speaking.