Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?

I heard they made a big splash and received applause but wondering if anyone here had the oppty this weekend to hear them ? 

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Aj523-the $120k/pair Kroma Audio Elektra floor standers. The room sounded good, it had creek gear which I never heard creek gear sound this good. I was thinking the speakers should be in the $10k-$15k price range. 
IMO, there are many many speakers in the $20k range that sound much better like the revel salon/studio 2’s, the bigger ushers, and others. 
The room across from this room, had the fink speakers which sounded good too. Again, I was thinking they were in the $5k-$7k range and the were $33k, these were smallish 2 ways that would not hold a candle to any of the speakers that I listed above in the $20k range. Actually, I think my smaller Revel tower speakers are every bit as good and they were 1/16 the price.