Commonly mentioned speaker brands?

Are the brands most frequently mentioned simply the favorites of the kind of people who have the kind of taste that frequent a site like this, or are they generally recognized as superior brands?


Difficult to say, but in my experience far too few domestic loudspeakers can 'rock'.

Finesse, politeness, imagery etc seem to be where their focus seems to lie.

Funnily enough, these are usually the qualities that are usually deemed lacking in the ones that can rock.

Can't we ever have it all?

I think that names or manufactures can go two ways. One is people who like what they own will always promote them and beg for approval from the ranks. Then there is the other side where people will continue to bash certain manufacture. Some time from a bad experience they had way back of as is more common they have never owned them or heard them but wanting what they own to be better they discredit them. You also have to keep in mind all good speaker manufacturers make different levels of speaker lines. Not fair to talk negative about B&W when you bought their entry level bookshelf from Best Buy. Trust your ears if you like the sound does the name matter? Enjoy the music first and last!

I try,when possible,stay off the beaten path.  There is something about lower volume manufacturers that I gravitate to.   

Its rather simple: regardless of product, if you can sell more than you can make, marketing is not needed.  The speaker brand one I work with fits that description.  There are many manufacturers that do not market at all other than attend a trade show here and there to meet up with their dealers.   
