New Power Cable on a 1990 Hafler DH120?

Is it worth putting an upgraded power cord on my 1990 Hafler DH120?  I am considering upgrading because it is rather old.  Still sounds good IMO.  Maybe I could get some better sound with a new cable.  Considering a GR Research cable.



I find it funny in that in one post the OP is trying to get the best out of his fiber optic internet.....and now he posts about adding a power cord to a amp that is over 30 yrs old.


you could get the amp modded, but the mod alone costs more than the amp is worth.     


Hafler Amp (


     No one can tell you whether YOUR system/ears will (or can) resolve/discern any improvement(s), if your Hafler's PC is upgraded.

     Having done a number of such upgrades, on Hafler equipment:  I will state that the move invariably brought a smile their owners' faces.   

     I would, however, recommend replacing any and all electrolytic capacitors, of your DH120's power supply and driver boards, before bothering with the PC.  Yours are around 30 years old.

     It's been my experience: the better the condition of any unit's stock circuitry, the better (more audible) the result of any upgrades/tweaks.

                                                    Happy listening!

Thanks to all for your responses.  I appreciate your input.

The belligerence from some in response to someone innocently asking questions after having just gotten back into the hobby after 30 odd years is interesting and unfortunate.

it can be a fun project..I'm having a Classe' Five refurbished, similar vintage to yours...Classe' actually back then, recommended an upgrade power cord on many of their amps and preamps...

Not sure I’d spend too much a 25 year old amp, but a better PC can definitely make a difference.  I’d recommend trying Cullen Cable as they’re a solid upgrade over stock cables but don’t break the bank, and they offer a good trial period so if it doesn’t make a significant difference you can just send it back.  They just got bought by Wyred4Sound so I’d think you’d need to go to their site to order but not sure.  Definitely worth a try though.  Best of luck.