any thoughts?

Thinking of buying a well cared for one owner California Audio Labs Delta Transport. It will replace my dead EAD T1000. The owner is asking 400.00 and it is 28 years old. Would I be better off buying a new 700.00 transport, Audio Lab?



I have 2 audio lab 6000cdt's, love them. I use a separate  Benchmark DAC 3B with one, sounds great to me. Reasonable and built like a tank. You'll be happy and actually save some $  Robert TN

+1 @rickdoesaudio

I own the Audiolab 6000CDT also. Excellent transport for minimal cash. Check the reviews and you’ll be convinced (probably).

+1 for transition to streaming

invest in the future or hold onto the past?

Apporx 18 months ago I refreshed my transport with an Audiolabs 6000CDT, cost of roughly $600 with a digital coax uplink to the DAC

Nice unit at a nice price point 

6 months later I started streaming and can count the number of CDs I've played since on both hands

I own approx 600 CDs

The streamer is fiber connected from my internet router and i2s uplinked to the DAC

Needless to say I haven't bought a CD since then but still get all the new material from Tidal or Qobuz

No right or wrong here, like most aspects of this hobby it's more about personal preferences

If part of your joy stems from the physical media touch and feel or bin diving for rare finds of used CDs, get the transport

For new comers to the hobby who own no albums or CDs, the path of least resistance for price performance sound quality is streaming 

If you want to keep playing your CDs don't purchase a transport just rip to hard drive as audiotroy suggested.  Will sound good as or better than most transports new or used.  

Why no love for the newer Rotel players here?

Consider the Rotel CD 14 MRK II. Its not a transport, but I had heard good things about it.