Is there any one piece of vintage gear you most wished you owned?

Assuming vintage interests you, what one piece of vintage equipment would you most like to own? 


A mint 301 would be a nice real world choice of vintage gear.  I actually like the looks of the 401 a little bit more, and it has a better motor.  A friend has a 401 with a transplanted grease bearing from an older model 301.  That is a really nice combination.  

If you want a really souped-up version, check out the Artisan Fidelity reworkings of the 401.  Couple this table with a good modern tonearm and it would be a world beater.

Thanks for this, I just decided, I'm going to re-acquire a pair of AR-2ax speakers.


My college days speakers, many an all-nighter with Alison Steele (the nightbird) and Cousin Brucie 1967 to 1970

Got ransacked, 1973, have missed them ever since. I'll use them in my Garage System, move my current B&W bookcase speakers to my shop, retire the small Boston's there.

Oh yeah, and notice, they had level controls for the mid and tweet.