Seeking Feedback Re: Ansuz vs. Shunyata or Synergistic Research Power Conditioning

I’m currently using the Shunyata Research Everest in my HIFI system and attended the Florida Audio Expo this weekend. They were many rooms using the Ansuz conditioning products. They appeared to really work well… In addition, the synergistic research room also displayed a very solid power conditioner. The images from the systems using the Ansuz and Synergistic research appeared to be more lifelike… And holographic… No rooms were using the Everest. Considering making a change and wondering what the thoughts are out there for best power conditioning.


I doubt anything you mentioned will be better than your Shunyata Everest.


What power cord are you using on your Everest?

Hi firstcut. I recently switched from a Audioquest Niagra 7000 with an Audioquest Hurricane 15 amp cable to the Synergistic SX Powercell 12 with the matching Gallileo SX Powercord. The Synergistic kit is hugely better - wider, deeper sound stage, more holographic sound with much greater detail retrevial. You hear much deeper into the music as noise is reduced making music more realistic. The Niagra was good the Synergistic is outstanding. One thing to bear inmind is the the Synergistic does not have surge protection - I got round that with a Puritan Guardian plug. 

I have not heard the Ansuz conditioner but do rate their isolation products. Hope this helps. 

Shunyata is my reference. Have loved them from the time I first bought a hydra. Now I’ve moved up to the hydra triton combo. 

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