McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



@stephens770 It was sarcasm. "Unvarnished" added to "truth" was hyperbole meant to convey irony. I have no "purposes." Sorry it wasn’t clearer. I'd hope that your reading of my other posts make the case (to you, to others) that the video is ridiculous, irresponsible nonsense. No way for a dealer to behave.

Good for you vuch. Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas my Dad always said.

@mikepowellaudio As someone who values justice and fairness and not making unfair and unwarranted assumptions I have the following to say:

I have done business with Mike Powell on two occasions since I got back into this hobby several years ago. First was several years ago when I bought his Maggie silver upgrades for my Maggie 1.7is. He was professional to work with and always pleasant, available and communicative. The upgrades were great and I highly recommend them. The second time was recently, when I got a good deal on a pair of NIB, sequentially serial numbered Jeff Rowland Model 125 amps. Again, very professional, great to work with, available and communicative. I would definitely do business with Mike again.

Some of you may not like his style. Fine. To each his own. But he tells you what he thinks and doesn’t BS. I would rather listen to him and do business with him than say the Innuos reps I talked to at AXPONA who fed me this BS rationalization about why they use underpowered cheap parts in their Zenith. Mike you exposed their BS and confirmed my suspicions with my Zenith Mk3. I feel that Innuos and possibly other Roon Core server vendors take advantage of us audiophiles with a bunch of hype and BS to sell us a product inferior to a well spec’d NUC for thousands more. I feel like I had been taken advantage of. You like that style? Mike exposed their garbage in one of his videos. He is doing us a service. For those of you with Innuos gear who like it. Great. I am glad you are happy. That is what matters. It’s a hobby.


The point is he gave an honest opinion about McIntosh. You don’t like it? Great. You don’t have to like it. You also don’t have to agree with it. Just don’t be a jerk to Mike because he has a different opinion to you. Don’t we have enough disagreement and vitriol in this country. We have to now bring that into audio? Give me a break. Go listen to some music on your gear, McIntosh or otherwise. You’ll feel better.

And I guess you never had a good dealer, so you don't know how a good one behaves vuch.