Power regeneration - good idea? PS audio?

Is the PS audio regenerator a good choice or are there others?





Jay as in Jay’s Audio has has a number of videos on Utube on his experience with Power Conditioners and Power Regeneration. You may want to check them out. From what I have seen, Jay is ono of few reviewers out there without any sort of real or perceived conflict of interest. Plus his systems sound amazing….even through my crappy IPad speakers.





@atmasphere , do you use P20 for your system? If so, do you plug in your preamp and amp into the same P20? Some people use separate power conditioners for the amp vs the rest.


thanks, Jay

A long time ago I formed the opinion that a good power source has low impedance.  Such a power source should have low load regulation which should be desirable where the load is an audio amplifier. The PS15 claims a very low impedance for its amplifier supplying power to connected devices. In my system, the PS15 seemed to improve soundstage and dynamics.  My suggestion is to pay attention to the manufacturer's claimed output impedance when shopping for regenerators or conditioners.  I.E., look for a low number.  

@chungjh We have a P20 and customers running the P15. The P20 easily supports our smaller amps and the rest of the system. We've also worked with the Elgar power conditioners and have customers running those. Some of them are so large you can literally run the entire audio room circuit off of one conditioner.

Most conditioners IMO are glorified power strips. For them we generally recommend running our amps plugged directly into the wall.

@atmasphere I have Torus RM20 power conditioner, but I am not sure if P20 will lead to actual SQ improvement. I still hear a significant improvement in SQ late in the evening (with RM20). I am looking for conditioner/regenerator that will improve the day time sound to equal that of the night. I thought P20 was the answer until I read some mixed reviews on P20 on whether it is actually better than a good conditioner like Torus.