McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



I go back to my Lexus comparison. Lexus owners, as with McIntosh don't have an inferiority complex. They enjoy what they have and don't feel the need to bash others. If you are at peace with your decision, then why bash others? 

In my 40 years of experience with this hobby, Audiophiles seem to be more concerned with what others think of their decisions than what they truly enjoy. Why. Just be and enjoy.

Lexus has lost a few steps over the past several years. Audio, styling, etc., could all use a major update. 

Missing the point. However, I don’t think they’ve lost a few steps in sales and customer satisfaction..

No, I didn’t miss the point. Just commenting on Lexus. Hey, I drive a Ford truck!

Ok, how exactly have they lost a few steps?  Especially to Ford, this will be fun.