McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Showing 9 responses by stephens770

Missing the point. However, I don’t think they’ve lost a few steps in sales and customer satisfaction..

I go back to my Lexus comparison. Lexus owners, as with McIntosh don't have an inferiority complex. They enjoy what they have and don't feel the need to bash others. If you are at peace with your decision, then why bash others? 

In my 40 years of experience with this hobby, Audiophiles seem to be more concerned with what others think of their decisions than what they truly enjoy. Why. Just be and enjoy.

Ok, how exactly have they lost a few steps?  Especially to Ford, this will be fun.

Ok OP, no disrespect but that was a very ignorant post. None of my 8 pieces of Mc gear did I buy for looks. Nor am I stuck in any way in my decisions. Are you saying that you know for a fact that his Rolland 625's sound better in my system than my Mc 901's. You don't. This hobby is experiencing a renaissance of new growth and people like you are a detriment to this hobby and it potential based on your last post. Generic blanket statements of ignorance. That is the issue with these bash threads and why I chose to speak up. AG should realize their opportunity for growth is hindered by members like yourself. 


Can the McIntosh critics list the Mac components they’ve owned or Legitimately evaluated themselves if they are going to make a blanket statement about the brand? For example, which McIntosh amplifiers sounded veiled with the KEF’s?  Which component sounded like syrup? What specific product did you find satisfaction with after you came to your conclusion about McIntosh? Would be interesting to learn which components and from which part of history or current they are evaluating with such a generic statement. Those details would actually be interesting.

Instead of Rolex or Harley Davidson, why not compare McIntosh to Lexus.

Like Lexus, McIntosh has:

1. Excellent longevity and good looks.

2. Top Tier resale value and brand recognition.

3. Competitive performance in each segment.

4. One of the highest rated customer satisfaction and ownership experiences.

5. Owners either trade for another Lexus, or keep it in the family and buy another.

I've noticed in the previous posts that if a McIntosh owner shares their likes, it's detailed and specific including models and supporting thoughts. However, the critics don't offer "the why" details to support their position other than generic blanket statements with no proof of ownership other than owned and didn't like, moved on, etc. Not that their position is not valid, but where's the what and why that we would like to read and learn about?

@hilde45: Insightful post as are many other in this thread.

What's refreshing about this conversation is the civility by all, and the amount of non-posters/researchers I like to refer to us as, myself included, that have come out to participate and support what has been in the past an unfair and unsubstantiated bash tactic on a company for which we should all be acknowledging a job well done if we are truly honest in our evaluation.

From the McIntosh critics, I requested detailed perspective to seek to understand their position since my experience is starkly contrary to the overall generic positions contributed. Other than one fairly detailed post, I don't think we received any detail of significance. So I'll initiate the ask again, what McIntosh product was it that did not provide satisfaction for you and why? What solution did you come to that enabled you to gain that satisfaction? 

After watching this thread go back and forth, and the OP taking both sides as "the messenger", I'd like to ask the Op to explain this statement from the original post that is his own:

"More unvarnished truth from YouTube" - hilde45
Definition from Unvarnished - Plain, Clear, Straightforward. 

So, is OCD Mikey's opinion the truth or not? You did call him out later, but to me it appears that you agreed with him early on or at least just wanted to start another McIntosh bash thread for self serving purposes. Prove me wrong and go on the record with your position and why stating McIntosh specific gear and experience. If I missed it in the thread, my apologies. I believe this thread has demonstrated that McIntosh owners are tired of being bashed with generic blanket statements and have made their position known. So, Op, what is yours?


@hilde45 - It was sarcasm. "Unvarnished" added to "truth" was hyperbole meant to convey irony. I have no "purposes." Sorry it wasn’t clearer. I'd hope that your reading of my other posts make the case (to you, to others) that the video is ridiculous, irresponsible nonsense. No way for a dealer to behave.

Thank you for that, I for one did take that statement literally. Savvy wordsmiths like yourself can be easily misread when applying sarcasm. And I do, from my perspective think that you have clearly defined your position on the dealer in question and the video. And I do apologize to being testy with you previously.

I still have the question in my mind though. Where does @hilde45 stand not on the dealer in question, his video or statements here; but McIntosh products themselves as well as their sound. I checked out the pics of your room and system, very nice by the way, and saw no Mac. With so many new and low post members like myself showing up here, I can't be the only one wondering where does the Op stand on the products in question? I would appreciate your elevated(being sincere, not sarcastic) position either way on Mac products and their sound.