McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Made me chuckle Rolex, Macintosh in the same breath. I have and do like Rolex watches, there IS something in common with Macintosh. They look good but you can get far better and in the case of the Rolex a $500 electronic watch keeps better time…..


Holy crap, Mac is exactly like Rolex!!!

Both duly well-respected premium brands but no longer considered at the very top. 

I've never owned Mac, but would probably go for vintage Mac down the road. I still love everything about the McIntosh brand. They certainly don't make things like they used to but they sound good and are dripping with style.


It’s hillarious all these audiophile keyboard warriors bashing "Macintosh". I didn’t know this thread was about Apple computers. If you’re going to cut something down, at least learn how to spell it.


if the discussion is about mcintosh’s recent/modern gear, i think a fair summary is it is very good looking and very good sounding gear - of course, different audiophiles may/will have preferences for or against mcintosh’s house sound -- which is somewhat warm and romantic with good bass foundation (this more prominent in its lower to middle ranges... transparency is quite good in their top tier stuff)

of course, you are paying for having both the good sound and sexy looks

there are brands that may sound subtly better, certainly many that offer more value... but for all premium, luxury gear, which mcintosh is today, it delivers to make their customers pretty darned happy

separate point, mikey ocd is a long time audiophile, has strong opinions, is a blowhard when it comes to presenting them, even if some are right (but then again alot of what he says is really wrong), his opinions are also problematic because he is commercially conflicted on many levels

so as with anyone spouting breathlessly on youtube, he may have a narrow fan base, but most viewers with brains and judgement take his schtick with major grains of salt

for really good info on macintosh, pls refer to audio excellence canada - they post numerous vids on youtube also... sometimes meandering in their lead-ins, but stick to it, excellent info and listening impressions on macintosh gear, driving top flight speakers, fed by top flight sources, properly set up -- now they carry mcintosh as major dealers in toronto, but they also directly compare against meaningful competing gear (which they also carry)... and it is my feeling they are quite honest and balanced in what they report... adrian and vilip are real pros, high integrity, greater intellectual honesty, successful too as a business ...