McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Doubtful there are many other brands that will hold their value as well as McIntosh

No problem with you liking the Mac gear. But resale value has nothing to do with sound quality. Perhaps a relation to build quality but perhaps not the top tier of possibilities. 

Wow...feel like I just walked in to the middle of a soap opera...

anyway, can anyone bottom line how McIntosh compares to Bryston in terms of sheer sound? Thank you in advance.

While shopping for a new preamp, I saw an interesting you tube discussion from two employees in a canadian audio shop I believe. Both were well versed in the PS Audio and Mc Intosh lines and were comparing a $9,000 Mc Intosh (forgot model #) vs. the $6,600 PS Audio BHK. They both thought the PS Audio was more musical and that 30 minute video was what put me over the top to buy the BHK. Coming in Thursday.

The brand image is still going strong, a buddy of mine either has his ears full of wax or is brainwashed deep down to his subconsciousness. He believes it's still super high end.