About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


Oh wow If I would have known who this bunch was from the beginning, I would have joined right in and told the bunch of mental midgets they are the slimiest bunch of nitwits I’ve seen in a long time alone with Ethen W. GO AWAY. There is nothing on AH I like not a single thing..

Don’t try to ruin THIS site too. This site is a place to enlighten people not limit them by your friggin stupefied measurement that are so outdated I quit using them in the field 20 years ago. Null that..

Master HD Mechanic Retired
OE Local 3
Teamsters Local 315
IMAW Local 1173

I’ve fixed more cables and tested more cables than ANY of you. PERIOD! 49 years I was a mechanic. I wasn’t trying to be one or run a web site or make videos. I fixed the 100k cables you guys say makes NO DIFFERENCE. Funny guys..

Talk about disclosure a little TO LATE!

BTW Measure THIS.

I’m with you Mr Denny, hell I don’t even know who you are.. At least your smart enough to buy Mcintosh.

Now I know why they rubbed me so wrong, I pretty sure MC wouldn’t be conversing with the measurement crowd.

I need to go take a shower..

Here is the summation of you guys. I can’t HEAR because I choose not to hear.

Your all a bunch of Girly men. Hemorrhoids! Preparation H super strength, please!!

@tsushima1 uiu are making a totally false, defamatory and actionable claim against me personally.

AudiogoN this personal and false attack is against your Terms of Service Agreement. 

rixthetrick I do what is it, I need to condone. NOW that I see who this bunch of SITE hopper are I'll treat them the way they deserve. 

They have not contributed ONE thing to this sight other than dissention and slander.

BAD BUNCH! Not what AG is about in ANY way. This is a site of commerce and education. They offer neither.

By the way i am not a measuring obsessive audiophile ...Objectivist or subjectivist position ALONE make no sense to me...

Designing a product or learning how to embed the gear mechanically electrically or acoustically imply a PROCESS of CORRELATIVE exhange between a judging subjectivity and some standard or non standard measuring process in engineering or some  objective disposition and measured device in acoustic..

For example : an Helmholtz resonators must be put on the exact right spot, this can be meassured, by ears or by computations, and the design of the H.R. must be calculated ideally by some equations relating volume, neck, and cross ratio to determine his frequencies absorption and diffusion optimally... This is only an example ...

But this illustrate the fact that in audio in our evolutive personal history if we are not PASSIVE CONSUMERS ONLY but also audiophile who created listening experiments like myself, objective settings and measures go hand in hand with subjective biases and judgement.... A bias is not only a negative factor to eliminate it can be also a positively acquired experience by the subject...

Like i already said subjectivity win at the last moment yes, but its only saying a common place fact.... Any subjective judgement cannot have a greater value than the sum total of all his experience in objective experiments about audio... if not audio will be meaningles tastes without any foundation in reality... ...I hate obsessive measurbators who think that a dac sound quality can only be measured , but i dont approve consumers buying obsession who chase their tail and call that their taste... Mechanical control of vibration for example like acoustic is not based only on subjective impressions but on exact fine tuning of some load by exact numbers or by ears... but it is an objective process...

In acoustic subjectivity and objective measures goes together.... There is even a field connected to physical acoustic calleed psycho-acoustic where subjective impression must be correlated to objective measures...

i hope i am clear here....