About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


Showing 14 responses by rixthetrick

calling me out for my political views when I was citing proven medical science.

You mean the "cure" that hasn't?

I recall that at Linn the staff used to conspire to keep their managing director as far away from the public as possible….

Perhaps they should have tried a teleprompter? Did they ever hide him in his basement, by any chance?


Ironically none of the agendas are hidden.

Oh, it becomes apparent soon enough, true statement.



- Well I pick no bones about having an objectivist approach to some things in my system, things I understand (or like to think I understand). I’m not merely stating this to be contentious, I’m sharing a difference of opinion.

Measurements for me and many here, are important metrics, tools if you will, to understand the system (which includes the room). There are some of us here who have taken measurements in order to better understand nodes in their rooms, for example. When narrowing down choices I often inspect the specifications of potential devices and technologies in order to find more suitable solutions.
I’m still learning about room acoustic treatment techniques myself, I’m certainly not discounting the merit of measurement to make informed decisions on how to proceed.

I’m also not excluding the facts that misinformation can be used to sell, using metrics that are isolated from others, to the unsuspecting. For example, a speaker that has it’s crossover designed to cover up resonant frequency nodes in the enclosure, when you sum it’s measurable output, is quite linear, but sounds awful (there is always reasons one metric looks great and yet the synergy fails). Or the handover of frequencies between two drivers, and instead of excluding driver breakup in the frequencies of energies it’s fed, simply mask the issue with the other drivers. Distortion also presents SPL and if that’s summed in as output, another reason to sound awful. A Rubik’s cube is not solved when one, two or three sides appear to be correct and so refining a highly resolving system requires more than good luck.

Clearly understanding an order and hierarchy of measurements as a whole can help to fine tune and correctly re-create optimal outcomes. Trial and error is convenient, understanding the mechanics of how it works synergistically is powerful information, when put to work can yield better performance both in metrics and subjectively, IMO.

@sokogear my brothers and I tried to excel at emulation of the Minister for funny walking, and tried to create new funny walks of our own. The Python boys were bloody marvelous - Bruce!

@tomic601 - thanks, I think?? Ha. I know I’m opinionated, I am here also to learn from this forum. And so, I thank you all (even the ones who may not like what I write) if there’s something I have or can learn from you, when I am ready to receive new/better knowledge.

I was introduced to an excellent test of speaker cabinets from my old boss and friend, he played a frequency sweep through a pair of reasonably well regarded mid priced speakers and you could hear the multiple node breakouts the enclosures made throughout the sweep. Astonishing to discover exactly where (frequencies) the cabinets exhibited distortion in playback.



@mahgister - if you ever use the sweep and play with the mass on top of your speakers to tune the load, I’d love to read your findings?
And of course, as you share, always welcome that I can share something of benefit to you sir.

All speakers <have> resonance

Isn’t that the truth, there’s no escaping it, the best that can be expected is to use engineering control measure to lesson it as much as possible.

One way, the way I was shown, is to divide the larger surface areas into smaller nodes, this attenuation to specific nodes hopefully lessens the amplitude of the energies and divides the panels into smaller zones. The differential bracing should never be evenly spaced, creating multiple nodes not relatively close to the same frequency of another.

Just as using the same drivers to accomplish more SPL for the same frequencies, these cabinet nodes will sum to produce more cabinet resonances. Divide and conquer isn’t a joke when bracing an enclosure.

mahgister I’m glad you tried loaded mass speaker isolation, I’m guessing you’re glad also??!!

My system has come leaps and bounds since I’ve been learning from forum members here. The importance of all sorts of things I’d never really considered important have become the most transformative things I hear working, by taking out the sonic trash so to speak.

@holmz - thanks

@o_holter - I guess it's a bit like walking into a real store, you have to walk by the shiny wrapped head height products until you find what you're looking for. And when you're ready to cash out, there's other things to distract you at the checkout.

Even if really specific searches (the more specific the more likely your search will require less wading) expect advertising, this is how they make profit.

@ted_denney I have a Master Coupler X2, just wanted to say despite the heat you're getting in here, I thank you for making good gear, I'm very happy with it.

Some people are just hostile, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes they're just hostile and good at looking for a reason!

Maybe I'm missing something here?
A fellow called Gene basically calls Synergistic Research products snake oil, and indirectly (or directly?) Ted Denney a liar. By the way, I've been called a liar in Agon myself, I think the exact words were, "rixthetrick is dealing in bad faith. Plain and simple."
I'm not perfectly honest, who truly is? Whether or not I was about the specific thing I was accused of, opinions vary.

Ted Denney, didn't simply accept the accusations and reacted by challenging the accuser. Unless I'm missing something not obvious, or I need to read further, isn't rebuttal of an accusation the actions of the innocent, as well as the guilty?

I don't know about all of SR's products, but my Master Coupler at least grips the terminals on my amp better, and it seemed to me to give a little more meat to my bottom end, without any detriment to the higher frequencies, so I like it.

Who in here has first hand personal knowledge of the order of events as they took place in this feud? Ted obviously, Gene as well, so Pesky and Jerry I can see you have taken it upon yourselves to out Ted, why? Sense of civic duty?

You can fully have I go at me, I'm really not important or much of a threat, influence or anything, I'm just curious about motives. Ted's motives are natural, as I said, for an innocent man or the guilty - I do get it.

@mahgister you’re one of the lads in here, few are foolish enough to argue with you.
You do what you do with what you have, resourcefulness and ingenuity are your shield and sword.

I have read what you’ve said many times, and weighed it up with what others have also stated, and have been finding my way to embed my system into what I have now. It may not be the exact way you did it, but acknowledge the recipe, with my different ingredients. Just as you have done some of the things I do (isolation) your way with your choices.

You don’t get bullied, well perhaps challenged, but nobody wants to really take your horns so to speak.

You have many friends in here, and I don’t see that you’re in any real trouble -
Groucho Marx (well, I bet sometime in his life he said it :-P )

@mahgister my system page is unorthodox too, maybe not quite as much as yours. My stuff is sitting on the floor and springs, and what I built I've got DIY photos of partial assembly, not likely to make the cover of a magazine I'm afraid.

What's even crazier about my system is I lay in bed to listen to it, literally!
My wife and I can lay in bed and listen to beautiful music, or dance in our bedroom, my bedroom is my listening room. In all it's 15' x 24' glory, and the loo is right next door too.
Like you, I'm just doing the best I can while balancing priorities of life I need to address.
I research and build because I don't have an unlimited budget, and I like to make stuff, especially stuff that works well.

I don't begrudge anyone having a red hot go of loving music any way they can, with whatever means they have. Thank you for your contributions, and your friends will always value you, mate.