Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade

So I have an unexpected bonus coming my way and may want to dedicate a portion of it to a system upgrade. Let's say 5-7k. Current system is Pioneer S-1ex speakers, Cambridge CXC transport, Musical Fidelity A1008 integrated, Burson Composer 3xp dac. Cables are mid grade nothing fancy but better than stock. Not really interested in streaming at the moment.

So for a descent chunk of change what should I be looking at? If I sold the speakers I could probably go up to 10k for another pair (used always) but I really don't think I have come close yet to maxing out the potential of these Pioneers (tad). 


Most people still don't understand digital room correction, or will not even try it.

I dare you to put in a DSPeaker Anti-Mode 2.0 room correction system in your already excellent system, run it and set it up properly, use any minor DSP equalization for other peaks as you choose, and then seriously listen to it A/B and blind with someone else running it.

Of course you may be too familiar (and like) the current sound and recognize it. Ask audio folks who don't know the system.

It was the single thing that made my system (and the room) far better, and very audibly easy to hear. I'd never get rid of it.

Unless you have the perfect room and speakers I doubt any single piece of upstream electronics you can buy will make anything close to the positive difference you'll hear with the room correction unit.

Good luck figuring it out and have fun. Congrats on the bonus!




Step 1 - 2 Subwoofers. Properly integrated, subs will improve any system.

I would suggest the REL T series. Use the high level inputs from your amp for easy integration.

Will leave you plenty of money left over for Step 2, a new DAC/Streamer.


Whatever you can get a better deal on used out of a DAC or an integrated. I would replace the DAC first especially since you are using a transport. You have really great speakers. When you replace the DAC with something of that caliber and price you will be amazed. The biggest reason people hear such a big sonic change when they upgrade the integrated is because of the preamp section in the integrated. This is why I prefer separates. You buy an amp that is good enough to push the speakers well. As you upgrade the preamp you get a really jump in sound. Plus, if you are running all digital you can run a killer DAC on a good amp especially because these DAC/streaming companies have figured out to adjust the volume from the chip and get great results. I still prefer a preamp with analog inputs even if I am running all digital setup. I run a nice vinyl system so I need analog system. That’s why I like the Lumin P1. It’s a preamp/ DAC Streamer. I just listened to this awesome piece of gear on a 20 year old amp pushing KEF blades. Pure harmony. 
I also love the sound of the Ayre QX-5 DAC with the Network/ streamer option. 
Another reason I prefer separates is you can upgrade individual pieces of gear and if one thing has become obsolete like a DAC you can replace it. I do know that some companies like MAC and NAD have cards to make them semi future proof.