Can it get better?

Seeking the advice of folks who have experienced significant gains when moving from an integrated amp to separate pre and power. I realize there are several threads on the topic but specifically, I’d be concerned about a lateral move in terms of sound quality while dishing out close to 2x what I purchased my integrated for. For example, my system consists of a Pass Labs Int-25 driving Harbeth Shl5+ 40th anniversaries. It’s a combination that gives coherent and smooth sound yet is quite resolving. 
Why change? For one, I would like to experiment with different power for the Harbeths and am intrigued by some of the class d options out there. The Pass was about 5k and some of the pre and power combinations I’m considering would push the cost north of 10k. There are a number of well designed preamps out there in the 5k range that I could see serving me for many years. Assuming good synergy with the power amp, is there good reason to believe that separates would sound significantly better than the little Pass which has system synergy built in? In what way? Or would I have to venture into a higher tier in terms of cost?

thanks for the advice



While I own an integrated and many separates, my comments come from fifty years of pursuing high end audio and owning many pieces of Pass equipment.

Your concern is well founded. Your integrated has the advantage of single design, savings in costs by one case. Long ago integrates we’re not very good. Now they are. So, it would be easy for the switch to be largely lateral. However this is treating preamps and amps as a commodity… all are exactly the same just better with cost… this is not true. The outcome will completely depends on exactly what you buy and how big the change in character there is with the new equipment. I would say that careful selection you can get very significantly improved sound… but you must choose wisely.

I was surprised to see your amp does not have preamp outputs. The traditional way to upgrade… power amp only. I am disappointed in Pass not to have provided preamp outputs.

A couple thoughts.

Long termed significant improvements will require separates… if you want to craft and customize the sound… this is the path forward.

Honestly this is where a dealer can be invaluable. At some point not trying to save a few bucks off of audio equipment by buying on-line becomes very well worth it. Also, if you are going to $10K (I would recommend) a dealer. A good one will figure out what changes you would like to hear, recommend possible choices, let you test the equipment at home and give you a trade in on your Pass integrated. Yes, of course he would most likely recommend what he sells… so research first to see what he sells… maybe target two or three places. Worth a long trip if you are in the sticks. Establish relationship with the owner in advance and make an appointment.

Why separates? Why not go with a Hegel H590-- Hegel is what Harbeth often shows with. 

Thanks to all for the thoughtful comments.

Regarding changing integrateds vs. moving to separates, my thought process has been: it will be easier to tailor the sound by investing in a quality pre with the potential for playing nicely with a variety of power amps. Perhaps one with variable gain and a low output impedance. Swapping integrateds with more power is attractive because it does reduce complexity and may play cleaner at higher volume, but it means losing flexibility and is at the risk of not sounding as good as my current integrated.

Fun to think about though...


It may turn out that after years of cost and headache, I'll come to my senses and get back to the integrated solution.  🤕