I believe I experienced great PRAT for the first time

Pace, Rhythm and Timing - I've often heard about it, mainly in the context of certain turntables, but I don't think I've really experienced it in a highly satisfactory way until today when I mounted my new Soundsmith Hyperion, an upgrade from my Sussorro. Halfway through side two of Stevie Wonder's Original Musiquarium, it suddenly dawned on me that there was more going on than improvements in clarity, detail, neutrality, bass punch and other rather specific traits that I've until this point used to refer to what I'm hearing. For the first time in the 30 years I've had this album, I was struck by a sense of flow, ease, relaxation, and my feet were tapping! Yes, this must be it. I connected with the music at a higher level just now, something new to me. Get all the details correct, and the PRAT appears in front of you. So, this was nothing to do with the fact that my turntable runs at the correct speed with low W/F, as it was performing well at that before. I had assumed that's what PRAT meant. Perhaps it means that too, in a speed stability sense.


Enjoy the music ;-) even a decent Pinot has PRAT…. you see unless we are experiencing vs. writing about it, we are reduced to imperfect…words….

How can an emotional connection be ..imperfect ?

I agree with those who say that PRAT belongs to the musician, However, it also belongs to the source component which is playing that PRAT which the musicians laid down on the recording. I've been an avid listener for 60 yrs and I only came to understand PRAT after I bought a TT which allowed me to hear  that PRAT. The TT I had previously did NOT have that. It sounded sluggish in comparison. Yes, it becomes automatic foot tapping as if you can't help but tap your feet. However, mood also has a great deal to do with it also

The rest of my system was waiting- Pass XP-27, ARC Ref 6SE, Vandersteen M5-HPA, Vandersteen 5A Carbon, PS Audio P20 for sources, AQ 5000 for amps, AQ water IC, AQ William Tell Silver biwire, AQ Hurricane, and some other odds and ends. There’s a digital side as well but it’s not worth mentioning here as the PRAT is largely missing from that.

@earthtones what a lovely lovely system f;-) i can assure you digital prat possible with the basic ingredients you have !

Some like minded ingredients..

Maybe also consider joining the Vandy owners forum, on Vandy website.


OP. Great system. I have the same preamp. Both my digital end and analog have equally great PRAT. You can see it under my ID. Both ends have similar detail and other attributes as well.


This is a dream finally realized, there is no disappointment changing from analog to digital or back.