Beautiful listening rooms


@tablejockey , hey that sort of panel is do-able, but costs a larger fortune to do it.  Aesthetically the 'listening room' is but a short step to the AV 'environment' which, imho, looking like screening rooms of yore....
....none of which can be said of 'here'. *L*

@dekay , that looks like Sinatra in a staged shot, and the bowl full of cigpacks would suggest an ad shot for some generic cigarette brand...
...but not one visible, much less lit.  The ashtrays, blank....

But I'd bet that chair is an Eames original...that ad cost plenty, given the status of the artist as artifact/spokes persona.  Even the dog is trained to sit/stay, and don't leak on Frank even if you howl when his  records are played.... ;)

WTH are we being sold here, anyway?